
MaCkY iN wOnDeRlAnD 2010

Isn't she adorable???  Why YES!  I love her costume!  She is the cutest and I Love her to pieces~



I forgot I had this blog!  I will update this very soon with all the fun things we've had!  In the meantime... I leave you all with updated pictures of my princess! She is now almost 21 months :-D


Miss Macky!

Festivity Month is almost over.  One more weekend left of Birthday Fun!  Miss Macky's BDay Party is on the 6th of March and we are looking forward to Tons Of Fun!  Macky's new best friend is Princess Minni.  She fell in Love with Minni at first Glance.  Here is my Pretty Princess~


We're Celebrating Our BDay!

Yes! Our Bday was yesterday!!!  We will be celebrating throughout the month :-D  On a side note... I am happy and excited to announce that Candy Apple Cutie has surpassed it's 200th sale.  This is very exciting to me and I can't wait to see it grow.  I have tons of supplies and am experimenting on new things.  Some might fail :-( but most will succeed... I just know it!  Until then... I leave you with a picture of my daughter and I... after all... it is our BDay Month :-D
Miss Macky and Mommy~


Busy Busy Bee! It's a BIRTHDAY! Yay For February!

Hello Everyone!  First off... Candy Apple Cutie is up and running on it's new Fan Page on Face Book.  So far... so good.  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Los-Angeles-CA/Candy-Apple-Cutie/270911783901
There is a contest at the moment for a FREE TUTU if a current member of my Fan Page refers a friend to my Etsy shop to purchase a Tutu or Tutu Set!  Yes! The first person to refer someone who "purchases" will win a Tutu in the color/colors of their choice!  The buyer must use Coupon Code... "Macky Is One" once they check out so that the current Fan Page member can WIN!  Soooo Exciting!

Soooo What is this Macky Is One thing you ask?  Well, My beautiful Princess daughter is turning the BIG ONE. On February 4th she turns ONE and I celebrate a BDay too!  We share BDays :-D

I have been a busy busy bee getting all of Miss Macky's things ready for the big day.  On Her Bday is an evening of Chucky Cheese... then it is DISNEYLAND!  Daddy is taking Mommy and Macky to celebrate. Then the BIGGEST DAY is on the 27th when we celebrate her BIG ONE MILESTONE with family and Friends.  I can't wait to celebrate and get to see her enjoy her first CAKE BITE.  Until then my friends... Please visit my shop and if you don't see what you have in mind... keep in mind... I can still make it.  I leave you with pictures of my little daughter!

Thank You Carrie Heaps Photography

Happy Customer modeling a Candy Apple Cutie "BEST".  Peace and Love Tutu Set.


WoW!  It was a busy Holiday season and I desperately needed a little break.  I will be coming back to Candy Apple Cutie in a few days with new things. I'm hoping to have most of my new pics posted by then. If not... then it will be a few days after that. Things have been busy in life... hence my vaca.
Here is a sneak peek at my new baby leggings. They are adorable. I promise you will LOVE them.  In the meantime... please stay posted as my Valentine Tutu Set.. .The Peace and Love Set makes it's debut in my shop.

God Bless and See Ya Soon!


Thank You Everson Photography

Happy Customer.. Everson Photography with Faux Fur Candy Cane Leggings


100th Sale TODAY!!!

Yes!  I reached my 100th sale today.  I am actually quite surprised and very happy.  I have been so busy that I have had NO time to make my other tutus and take pics of to post.  As soon as the Christmas rush is done... I will focus on my tutu line. It will be ADORABLE.
Keep checking in as I am also beginning to work on my Valentine Tutu Set.



10% OFF to RETURNING CUSTOMERS Now Through Dec 1st.

Simply enter the words HAPPYCUSTOMER1 at check out on Notes To Seller and I will refund you 10% off your purchased items (to exclude shipping).

It's moving...

I've been on Etsy for almost one month now. I have reached about 44 sales.  It is very exciting to see a new purchase when I hop on etsy.  It's really neat meeting other mommies with the same interests in cute things for their little ones.
There are so many other things I plan on doing. One is Shabby Chic baby items (lap pads, blankies) and DRESSES!  I have tons and tons of ideas for little girl dresses. It probably won't be for another month or so. The Holiday is keeping me really busy just filling orders. 
I am very happy and glad to have jumped on board :-)

Santa Tutu Set

This tutu set is a BIG HIT!  I am getting tons and tons of orders for this cute and adorable Santa Set. My buyers are very happy with it too!