
WoW!  It was a busy Holiday season and I desperately needed a little break.  I will be coming back to Candy Apple Cutie in a few days with new things. I'm hoping to have most of my new pics posted by then. If not... then it will be a few days after that. Things have been busy in life... hence my vaca.
Here is a sneak peek at my new baby leggings. They are adorable. I promise you will LOVE them.  In the meantime... please stay posted as my Valentine Tutu Set.. .The Peace and Love Set makes it's debut in my shop.

God Bless and See Ya Soon!


Thank You Everson Photography

Happy Customer.. Everson Photography with Faux Fur Candy Cane Leggings


100th Sale TODAY!!!

Yes!  I reached my 100th sale today.  I am actually quite surprised and very happy.  I have been so busy that I have had NO time to make my other tutus and take pics of to post.  As soon as the Christmas rush is done... I will focus on my tutu line. It will be ADORABLE.
Keep checking in as I am also beginning to work on my Valentine Tutu Set.